Hi Nkwabi, It will be good if you can contact Jacob Vanetten.
Hi everyone,
I’m Abdul Shango, working as a Research Associate - Seed Specialist at the Genebank of the World Vegetable Center in Arusha, Tanzania. We are using the ClimMob software for the implementation of on-farm trials using the “Triadic Comparisons of Technology Options” (TRICOT) approach. The results will provide data on farmers’ preferred varieties based on their locality, which will be shared with seed companies in Tanzania for multiplication and marketing. This is part of the Consumption of Resilient Orphan Crops & Products for Healthier Diets (CROPS4HD) Project which aims to promote farm-level supply and demand for a diverse set of varieties of vegetable amaranth, African eggplant and spiderplant adapted to local growing conditions and consumer demands in Tanzania.
Hi Nkwabi, welcome to this community!
Hi, I am Ann Ritah a Gender responsive researcher.
I work with the National Crops Resources Research Institute in Uganda. I am an interested user of climmob. I conduct tricot trials with farmers. A lot has been learnt and learning is on going!
Hi everyone!
My name is Ishaya, Daniel Jockson. I am working with IITA as Research Associate-Agricultural Extensionist with the Cowpea Breeding program, Kano station, Nigeria.
We have been introduced to the ClimMob software for the implementing the Triadic Comparison of Technology Option (TRICOT) approach in the year 2021 and started implementing immediately.
We as a team are proud to be part of the community.
I am Stephen Angudubo, Project Leader - On-Farm Trials. I will lead scoping and establishment of multi-crop networks for scaling 1000FARMS. I have been implementing Tricot approach for the past 5 years, involved in scoping studies, and participant sampling, trial design, back-stopping data collection and data analysis in Uganda across crops (i.e., cassava, sweetpotato, and rice).
I am honored to work with you to scale the tricot approach for sustainability of OFT and optimized breeding of farmer-preferred crops.
All your contributions to improve the multi-crop networks for scalability of the on-farm testing using tricot approach are welcome.
I am Tessy Madu the lead in implementing Tricot trials at National Root Crops Research Institute NRCRI Umudike in collaboration with IITA.I have been working with farmers on tricot for the past 4 years in the NextGen cassava breeding project contributing to information on gender responsive breeding in Nigeria.
Hi everyone,
My name is Charlotte Guichard and currently i’m working at the CIRAD institute. I’m in charge of a project named: Participatory evaluation network for innovative varieties. In this project we use the tricot method with different varieties of banana and yam. For banana, all the participant planted the trial on their plot. We will soon starting the evaluation of juvenile stage.
I’m really happy to join the community and i hope exchange with other tricot users.
Hi. I am Florence Osaru, working as a research scientist (sweetpotato breeding and seed systems) at the National Crops Resources Research Institute (NaCRRI) of National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO), Uganda.
My name is Michael Ndegwa. I am a Market and Value Chain Specialist with CIMMYT based in Kenya. I have been leading the implementation of on-farm evaluation of prelease maize hybrids for one of our projects. Since 2022, we adopted the tricot and ClimMob approach for on-farm evaluation, data collection and Analysis.