Hi everyone,
Currently, we lead in CIRAD Guadeloupe a tricot trial with new banana varities.
With the climob platform, we generate the list of randomized trial packages. Then, we ditributed and planted the packages to all participants.
Two months later, we evaluated the juvenile stage and during this process we realized that 3 participant have received packages with one wrong technologies.
Here a example for illustrate my problem:
The name of the 4 tehnologies tested are B1, B2, B3 and B4.
The packages 6 in the climob platform is composed of:
-Option A: B1
-Option B: B2
-Option C: B3
But, during delivery (i made a human error) for the packages 6, i gave for the Option C the technologie B4 instead of B3.
Consequently, the ranking analyse is false because on the technologie associated on the platform differ from the technologie planted on plotfarm.
Is it possible to fix that easily without create a new project because iām afraid of losting my data at the juvenile stage.
Best regards,
Charlotte GUICHARD